Renewal/Application Form
1-year membership 2024 €5 ....... 2-year membership 2024/2025 €10 ……
All memberships are valid until December 31st of the expiry year
Full Name/s…………………………………………………………………………………Member No………………
Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………Post Code ……………………………...
Tel……………………………..Mobile No.……………….email…………………………………………..
You may pay your subscription by cash/Bank & Revolut transfer. When doing so you must still complete the renewal/application form and send it to:
Membership Secretary, Malta Geographical Society, 48, Trig Il-Kbira, Siggiewi, SGW 1303
Beneficiary Name: The Malta Geographical Society
Bank Name: Bank of Valletta
IBAN: MT92VALL22013000000050018632685
Please give your full name and member number
“I agree to abide by the Constitution of the Society” Please note that the Society’s Constitution can be viewed on our Malta Geographical Society website, www.maltageosociety.org
“I am aware that participants in any MGS activity take part at their own risk”
This application MUST BE SIGNED below
Signature ………………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………………………. Date …………………………….
Personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. The information will be used for the purpose of notification of MGS news and events. The information will not be disclosed to any third parties unless this occurs with your consent or if such data is required by law enforcement or other authorities/institutions having a legal right to request the information. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you are entitled to request access to your information by submitting a written request to the Hon. Secretary. Whilst every effort will be made by The Malta Geographical Society to keep your information updated you are encouraged to inform us of any changes accordingly. In any case, should you consider that some information is inaccurate you have the right to request rectification. You also have the right to request blocking or erasure of data if this has been processed unlawfully.
Website: www.maltageosociety.org e-mail: maltageographical@gmail.com